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Detect Adulteration with Rapid Test

Lot of us are concerned with adulteration in food these days. The viral messages on social media only add to the tension and stress. Well as much as we would like, we cant check every ingredient source for its quality & processes, there are some tests & checks which can be easily done at home [...]

Cha Cha Chia!

1-2 cha cha cha, let’s eat cha cha chia… Oh yes! Most health conscious people are going cha cha Chia these days. Well of course I’m not referring to the dance but superfood chia seeds! With increasing public health awareness worldwide, demand for functional foods with multiple health benefits has also increased and chia seeds […]

Decoding Packed Food Labels – Part 1

Whether we like it or not, a very important part of our kitchen shelves today is packaged foods. With our busy schedules we do like to stack up on handy stuff like - ketchups, dips, sandwich spreads, ‘healthy’ fruit juices, fruit based drinks, instant noodles, instant pastas, fried & baked chips, flavoured ‘protein rich’ yoghurts, [...]

AUR NAMAK- Facts Anusaar!

Visit any good super market aisles today and you will see at least 5-6 types of salts!  Each one of us has come across this thought at least once whether using Black salt, Sea salt, Rock salt, Himalayan salt, Flavoured salts will help to negate the bad effects of white table salt. They are also [...]

Know Your Breads !

I’m sure all of you have thought to yourself at least once “What is the difference between this regular white bread, whole wheat, brown bread, multigrain bread, English breakfast bread etc etc etc? “ well don’t worry after reading this im hoping atleast your basic confusions will be clear! To make any bread you need [...]

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